We are delighted to welcome back Emmett Conway, winner of the "Young Musician of the Bann” in 2012. The deserving champion gave a world class, highly entertaining performance and we are looking forward to his return visit very much.
Emmett plays with the Field Marshall Montgomery Pipe Band where he has won two world championships, followed by two Europeans; four British; four Scottish and two Cowal championships, as well as all five out of five majors completing the grand slam in 2011.
Emmett also competes in solo competitions in Ireland and Scotland.
He represented Ireland in France in July 2011 and 2012, being the youngest competitor amongst some of the world’s best pipers. Emmett receives tuition from gold medalist, Tom Speirs in Scotland and at Gig’n the Bann last year his set consisted of a variety of Irish and Scottish tunes including slow airs, jigs, reels, polkas and hornpipes.